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Paul Vanderzee
Paul Vanderzee

How to Download Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha Pdf for Free in 17 Minutes

Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha Pdf Free 17: A Free Pdf Guide to the Legendary Malayalam Memoir

If you are looking for a free pdf of Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha, the famous autobiography of the renowned Indian writer Kamala Suraiya, also known as Kamala Das or Madhavikutty, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will tell you how to download Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha pdf for free in 17 minutes, and why you should read this masterpiece of Malayalam literature.

Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha Pdf Free 17

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What is Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha?

Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha (My Story) is an autobiography written by Kamala Suraiya in the year 1973. She was motivated to write this as she became ill and thought she would not survive . The book was originally published in Malayalam, her native language, under the pen name Madhavikutty . Later, it was translated into English by K. Satchidanandan and published as My Story.

The book is a candid and controversial account of Kamala Suraiya's life, from her childhood in a conservative and aristocratic family in Kerala, to her early arranged marriage, her frequent shifts across India and abroad, her indifferent husband, her love of writing, her loneliness, depression, unfulfilled desires, extramarital affairs, and her quest for identity and freedom . The book also reflects her views on religion, feminism, sexuality, and culture.

The book caused a sensation when it was published, as it broke many taboos and challenged the norms of society. It was widely praised and criticized by readers and critics alike. Some hailed it as a masterpiece of honesty and courage, while others condemned it as a vulgar and immoral work. Kamala Suraiya herself claimed that some parts of the book were fictionalized or exaggerated for artistic effect. However, the book remains one of the most popular and influential works of Malayalam literature, and has been translated into several languages .

How to Download Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha Pdf for Free in 17 Minutes?

If you want to read Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha pdf for free, you can follow these simple steps:

  • Go to this link, which is the Goodreads page of the book.

  • Click on the "Get A Copy" button on the right side of the page.

  • Select "Kindle Store" from the drop-down menu.

  • You will be redirected to the Amazon page of the book.

  • Click on the "Buy now with 1-Click" button.

  • If you have an Amazon account, sign in with your email and password. If you don't have an account, create one for free.

  • You will need a credit card or a debit card to complete the purchase. However, don't worry, you will not be charged anything. The book is available for free as part of the Kindle Unlimited program.

  • Once you have completed the purchase, you will be able to download the book to your Kindle device or app.

  • If you don't have a Kindle device or app, you can download one for free from this link.

  • Enjoy reading Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha pdf for free!

Why You Should Read Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha Pdf?

Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha pdf is not just a book, it is a journey into the life and mind of a remarkable woman who dared to speak her truth and challenge the conventions of her time. By reading this book, you will get to know Kamala Suraiya as a person, a writer, a lover, a mother, a seeker, and a rebel. You will also get to witness the history and culture of Kerala and India through her eyes, and learn about the struggles and joys of being a woman in a patriarchal society.

Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha pdf is also a work of art, a literary masterpiece that showcases the beauty and power of language. Kamala Suraiya's style is simple yet poetic, direct yet nuanced, sensual yet spiritual. She writes with honesty and humor, with passion and pain, with grace and courage. She creates vivid images and scenes that stay with you long after you finish reading. She also experiments with different forms and genres, such as poetry, fiction, memoir, and essay.

Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha pdf is a book that will inspire you, challenge you, move you, and make you think. It is a book that will make you appreciate the complexity and diversity of human experience. It is a book that will make you fall in love with Kamala Suraiya and her story.

What are the Themes of Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha?

Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha is a book that explores various themes that are relevant to the personal and social life of the author and her readers. Some of the major themes are:

  • Identity and Self-expression: The book is a quest for the author's identity and self-expression, as she tries to find her voice and place in a world that often silences and marginalizes her. She writes about her struggles with her name, her language, her religion, her gender, her sexuality, and her culture. She also writes about her love for writing and how it helps her to cope with her loneliness and pain.

  • Sexuality and Feminism: The book is a bold and honest portrayal of the author's sexuality and feminism, as she challenges the patriarchal norms and expectations that oppress and exploit her. She writes about her sexual desires, fantasies, experiences, and affairs, without any guilt or shame. She also writes about her views on marriage, motherhood, love, and freedom, and how she asserts her rights and choices as a woman.

  • Religion and Spirituality: The book is a reflection of the author's religious and spiritual journey, as she experiments with different faiths and beliefs. She writes about her childhood exposure to Hinduism and Islam, her conversion to Christianity, her return to Hinduism, and her final embrace of Islam. She also writes about her doubts, questions, conflicts, and revelations regarding God, religion, and spirituality.

  • Culture and History: The book is a glimpse of the culture and history of Kerala and India through the author's eyes, as she witnesses and participates in various events and movements that shape the society. She writes about her family background, her ancestral home, her education, her travels, her encounters with different people and places, and her involvement in politics, literature, and social causes.

How to Read Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha Pdf?

If you are interested in reading Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha pdf, you have several options to choose from. You can either buy the book online or offline, or you can borrow it from a library or a friend. You can also read it online for free on some websites. Here are some tips on how to read Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha pdf:

  • Buy the book online: You can buy the book online from various platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, Google Play Books, and others. You can either buy the paperback or the ebook version. The ebook version is usually cheaper and more convenient, as you can download it instantly and read it on any device. However, some people may prefer the paperback version for its physical feel and durability.

  • Buy the book offline: You can also buy the book offline from any bookstore that sells Malayalam or English books. You can ask the staff for help or look for the book in the biography or literature section. You can also check the availability and price of the book online before going to the store.

  • Borrow the book: You can also borrow the book from a library or a friend who has a copy of it. You can search for the nearest library that has the book on its catalogue online or by calling them. You can also ask your friends or relatives if they have the book and if they are willing to lend it to you. Make sure to return the book on time and in good condition.

  • Read the book online: You can also read the book online for free on some websites that offer Malayalam or English books in pdf format. However, be careful of the quality and legality of these websites, as they may contain errors, viruses, or pirated content. Some of the websites that offer Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha pdf for free are: PDF Drive, Internet Archive, and Scribd.


Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha pdf is a book that deserves to be read by anyone who is interested in the life and works of one of the most influential and controversial writers of India. The book is a candid and courageous autobiography that reveals the personal and professional struggles and achievements of Kamala Suraiya, who wrote under the names of Kamala Das, Madhavikutty, and Kamala Surayya. The book is also a rich and vivid portrait of the culture and history of Kerala and India, as seen through the eyes of a woman who defied the norms and expectations of her society. The book is a literary masterpiece that combines poetry, fiction, memoir, and essay in a unique and captivating way.

If you want to read Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha pdf for free, you can follow the steps mentioned above. You can also buy or borrow the book from various sources. However you choose to read it, you will surely enjoy and learn from this book. Kamala Suraiya Ente Katha pdf is a book that will make you think, feel, and appreciate the complexity and diversity of human experience. b99f773239


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